Monday, May 30, 2011

Worst ever carbon emissions leave climate on the brink

Exclusive: Record rise, despite recession, means 2C target almost out of reach

We are all going to die, just like Ted Turner just said on the previous post.  I don't agree, but I do agree about one thing- the need to stop importing oil.  One sure way to do it is with nuclear energy, but not using uranium, but using thorium.   This technology already exists, but isn't being utilized.  There's enough thorium in the Earth's crust to run civilization for millenia.  In addition to that, fusion energy appears to be close.  That gives at least two opportunities to lower oil imports.  A third way would be to colonize space.  If the moon was used for a launch base, manufactured solar panels could be put into Earth orbit.  All it would take is the commitment to do it.  In my opinion, solar and wind won't be enough.  Space holds the key to a lot of our problems, such as energy.

If space was aggressively developed, the Earth could even be restored to its pristine state over time.  No need for gloom.  The answers are there, the question is: do we have the will to embrace solutions?

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