Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Evening Wrap, 5/31

Hard to believe it. May is nearly gone. June is the month in which summer officially begins. Around Houston, it gets hot before the summer becomes official. Come to think of it, hurricane season begins tomorrow, if I am not mistaken. There have been early season hurricanes before that have come near Houston. The one I can recall was back in 85-87, but don't recall exactly which year. It didn't amount to much. The last one was Ike, which was as bad as I've ever seen it. And I've lived in this town for 50 years. Something to keep in mind as we go forward into the season.

The hurricane seems to be a dividing point in time. About that same time, there was the big economic collapse which is ongoing. There was a death in the family not long afterward. Then my own problems at work began as well as some health concerns of my own. Lots of stuff happening in so short of a time period.

I began the blog hoping for the best, but also fearing the worst. I knew before going in how hard it is to get an audience- I experienced that before with my first blog. This time was even harder than that time. The best that this blog has done is not too much better than what that one did. This is after 8 1/2 months of steady blogging and throwing all I could think of into it.

I am very grateful for what I've been able to achieve in terms of audience, but that is all that I've been able to achieve. It needs to do much more than that. Each month that goes by leaves me with one less month to figure this out. My time is limited. It isn't urgent, but the trajectory is downward. And that worries me.

Aside from that, I've been pleased with what I've been writing. At times, I've been quite proud of my work. Today was such a day. That post about the final piece of the puzzle was a doozy. I don't care if it never sees the light of day anywhere. That bit of thinking was inspired.

I hope this kind of thing can be interesting enough to hold an audience. I am always interested in improving it. Sometimes I wonder what else there is to do.

Thanks for coming by and have a great evening.

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