Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fire From Ice- Eugene Mallove

I've picked up my book. Upon inspection, it appears to be in good order. This is not a brand new book, by any means. It was autographed by the author, in 1991.

Reading a book and doing a blog at the same time is a bit tricky. I will take it one chapter at a time and maybe write something. I can't guarantee that I will write up something on every chapter, because it is a hardcover book, not a Kindle, which means it may be more of a chore to keep up with bookmarks.

I won't start until after shutting down for the night on this blog, which is usually about 6 pm central time, or about three hours.

As for the rest of the day, Chris Laird has a newsletter coming out today.  Plus, I have maybe one or two other posts besides.  Stay tuned.

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