Monday, May 30, 2011

Notes from Mallove's "Fire from Ice", Part II

Note: There are 19 chapters, but I am not doing a chapter by chapter post about the book. These notes are in order that I am writing them, not in the chapter order. I started with Chapter 12 in the book and read up possibly through 13, then came back to Chapter 6. I've read through Chapter 8 before stopping an posting this intro into this post.

The method I'm using is somewhat like a correlation between what I've speculated about and what is in the book. The book is a historical account, it seems. All this jumping around may give the wrong impression about the book. Do not take that impression of the book from these posts.

3) The chemical structure of the palladium was having an effect- as I had guessed something similar to this. An earlier chapter- I am skimming around the book- says that Fleishmann suggested that the palladium lattice could help bring about fusion reactions. ( p. 107 )

4) "Mini atom" theory could be derived from muon catalyzed fusion. ( my impression see p. 109)

Further reading in this chapter compares high pressure of the gas to the effect of muons in making the atoms closer together in the gas, as is the case with muons.  [muons shrink the size of atoms down, but muons have short lives, are too hard to use for commercialized fusion]

5) D-D reactions require 600,000 eV!  This seems rather high, this requires the necessity of quantum effects in order to reduce the energy requirement. ( p.116)

6) "Cold fusion is impossible"- Hagelstein ( p.125 ) here's what I said in an earlier post.

[Comment: the discussion in the book is getting a bit deep and tedious, that taste thing again. A lot of the tedium is about deuterium palladium reactions, which is old news, not what Rossi Focardi E-cat is about. This is an old book-1991.]

This "x" post is probably from 12 or 13. I put it in here to bring something of a logical consistency to the post.

x) A mention of "cracks" in the palladium- I think the cracks may be significant in assisting fusion.

I'm going to skip towards the back of the book again for my next post. It could be the last of the series. There seem to be a few chapters there that I could write about. This last post should come before the end of the day.

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