Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hugo Chavez

Capitalism the reason for no life on Mars.  Very funny, Hugo.  It is rather funny once you consider that capitalism and socialism are cousins in one sense.  Both systems depend upon the rationing of scarce goods.  The difference is how the goods get rationed.

Under capitalism, the goods gets rationed under a market system.  The market system relies upon prices, which implies the ability to pay.  Socialism, on the other hand, depends upon the state to ration goods according to an arbitrary judgment of the few who get to make the decisions about who gets what.  Neither system challenges the basic notions of scarcity.  This is what makes them cousins, in my opinion.

If capitalists got there first, and ruined it, it would only be because they beat the socialists there.  If the socialists got there first, they would have ruined it first. Chavez is doing a good job of ruining Venezuela.  The capitalists hadn't ruined it yet when he took over.

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