Friday, March 25, 2011

A little more about who I am

Anybody reading this might wonder why I am interested in cars and the space program. 

It so happens that I have a little work in experience in both fields.  I have an older brother who is an accomplished auto mechanic, and when I was young, I thought I'd try it myself.  I worked in this field for about 3 years and discovered that it wasn't for me.

From that point, I went back to school and got my Bachelor's of Science in computer science at the University of Houston.  My grades were good actually, but it didn't translate into a computer programming job which was my goal.  I did have a brief stint with IBM NASA while the Space Shuttle software was still being developed.  It wasn't a permanent job, just what they called a "co-op".  Maybe it could have worked out on a permanent basis, but it didn't.

Not long after I graduated, and not finding any work, I began driving a truck.  And pretty much done that for a living for the balance of my adulthood.  I must have put on more than a million miles of driving.  So, I think I know something about driving, and little about auto repair, a little bit about computers and programming.  I think I've already mentioned my experience with trading, so that explains my interest in markets.

While in high school, I had some interest in music, but also found that I'm not so good at that either.  I like it though and would like to somehow incorporate that into what I do here.  So far, the only thing creative that I have managed is some Xtranormal videos.   I am something of a movie fan and I often think of alternative endings to movies.  Not that I want to try this someday, but it might be interesting.   I try to put some internet friends on this blog when I can.  An old high school friend has a link in my product page.  He has had a music career, but I don't think he exactly became the Beatles, but I think he produces good stuff.

As far as politics go, which rounds out the interests covered in this blog, I have become, shall we say, disillusioned.   When I go for something, I tend to be gung ho.  I've always been somewhat more conservative than average, but that turned far more conservative as I got older.  But these days, I don't know who to believe anymore.  It's not that I blame conservatism per se, but it seems that most conservatives don't match actions with the words.  They talk the talk, but won't walk the walk.  I could never be a Democrat, and especially, very especially, a liberal.  These people a morally, ethically, and mentally corrupt as far as I am concerned.  The only way to deal with them is to be firm, which is something that Republicans don't seem to be able, nor willing to do.

So there you have it, in case you are interested. 

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