Thursday, March 24, 2011


When you are going somewhere, does it make sense to go the longer way if a shorter way is available?  The shorter way is a shortcut, of course.  If you don't know a shortcut, you are out of luck.  But if you do know a shortcut, and you don't take it, why not?

It seems to me that shortcuts exist.  Either people don't know them, or if they do, insist upon taking the longer way.  What could explain the latter?  Mere stupidity?  Or some advantage or disadvantage not known about? 

I'd like to think ignorance or stupidity is the only obstacle in the way of discovering solutions.  Stupidity and ignorance can be overcome.  These can be overcome because they are passive adversaries.  Malice is not so easy.  Malice is active, always inventive, always cunning.

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