Friday, March 25, 2011

Bill Joy: Why the Future Doesn't Need Us

This goes into my sidebar for interesting reading.  It is a cautionary piece about how our technology may turn on us.  It isn't new.  There are plenty of such stories.

One of the more famous ones is Jurassic Park, by Michael Crichton.  I read one of his other famous books, The Andromeda Strain.  One thought in that book stands out in my memory: should you do something just because you can?

The Terminator movies follow the same line of thought.

But there is another way of looking at it.  By denying ourselves the benefit of technology, might we also be inviting disaster?  The fact is, one does not always know the best way to proceed.  Doing nothing may be better or it may be worse.  You don't really know in advance.  Ascertaining future events is a very tricky business.   I know, I've tried it.

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