Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ronald Reagan is still right

With respect to the situation in Wisconsin and with everything else we are experiencing these days, "Government is not the solution, government is the problem."

If we leave it up to the government, no problem will ever get solved.  Instead, the problems will just get worse. The only answer governments have is coercion.  The government doesn't have a problem solving mentality.  The only thing they understand is if the people are creating a ruckus.  The first response might be to tell the people to shut up and go home.   Or to use force on them if they don't.  But they won't address the cause of the problem. Especially if they are the ones causing the problems, as is the case in Wisconsin and elsewhere.

Seems that I've heard somewhere that the mind that causes the problem is not the mind that can solve it.  Who's causing the problem in Wisconsin?

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