Sunday, February 20, 2011

New features revisited

A few comments about the blog, new features and whatnot:

1. The pic of Houston plus the opening message of the blog: Since this blog
has covered the topic of space, it would seem fitting to use Houston as a
backdrop plus a turn of phrase taken from the Apollo 13 mission- "Houston,
we have a problem." I turned the phrase around because I want this blog to
be more about solutions to problems than the problems themselves.

2. Since I am the author, I thought my brief statement of philosophy was in
order as well- hence Intrinsically unconventional, politically incorrect.
I think another way of saying it is that in order to solve a problem, you have
to step outside of the box. The "box" meaning, in this case, conventional
thinking. The box also means political correctness, which is a stifling of
creativity and a harbinger of totalitarianism, as far as I am concerned. As
you may imagine, I am very much opposed to constaints upon liberty.

3. I added vital signs, which is a measurement of the strength and vitality of
the United States, which has been the champion of liberty since its founding.
If it is lost here, it is lost everywhere. It is up to us, the supporters
of liberty, to take care that the light of liberty does not get extinguished.
By "us", I mean anyone who shares that sentiment. You are welcome to join
me here as a reader or commenter. You support is appreciated. Your non
support is tolerated within limits. Those limits are proper decorum and
anything else I might think up eventually. Sorry, I can't be more specific
on that at the moment. The blog is continually a work in progress.

4. Of course, in every blog, there is a sidebar. I put as many interesting
and informative links in there as I can find. I add to them all the time.
Stay tuned for more developments.

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