Sunday, February 27, 2011

Phoenix Motors, Part 2

This is an update on that post, as a reminder that I haven't forgotten about it.  I have not heard back as of yet, and I am wondering if I am going to hear from them at all.

I have given this some thought.  As I am not an engineer nor a mechanic, I am not going to start at this late date in my life to try.  What I need is to find people who know how to do this stuff and put these people together and to try this idea out.  The idea is to make a car powered by hydrogen fuel cell that is supplied with hydrogen from on board methanol hydrolysis unit.

The item on the agenda is to see if these methanol hydrolysis units actually exist.  The intellectual property which demonstrates the concept does exist and has been covered in this blog, should be classified as Energy in the labels section.

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