Sunday, February 27, 2011

About "how to" do what have you

This is a subject that has always been interesting to me.  Over the years, I must have read dozens of these kinds of books.  It is a popular subject.  When I look over what has come of all this, I am let down a bit.  With all the effort I have put in, why not better results?  What am I doing wrong?

Rather than wring my hands again, which I have done a little too much of, I will focus in on what I am doing now, or trying to do.  With that in mind, I'll mention that I've been reading up a bit on some of the Tweets I'm following to look for clues on how to improve this blog and whatever else I'm doing.

Ronald Yau has a tweet up on how to improve Facebook engagement.  He has a lot of links like this which may be helpful. I haven't implemented this particular idea, but I'll be sure to keep it in mind.  I should also point out that my left sidebar has a bunch of links of interesting reading like this one here.  This is something I thought of myself.  For now on, I will write something before I add to that list, so that anyone can tell how the list got to be like it is.  The story behind the story, as it were.  I will add a new label called "Sidebar entry" to distinguish this post and to aid in easier reference.

There are a lot of entries without a sidebar label story attached to it.  At the moment, this situation can't be resolved very easily without go through each and every entry and writing something about it.  Or going back through my blog posts in order to do some link hunting.  There's a lot of stuff there in case your interested.


Here's another "how to" from Paul Sloane, which I also follow on Twitter.  It is actually a warning about the Law of Attraction, aka The Secret.  I have it up in my Profile, which may be somewhat misleading about myself.  I am not necessarily that big of a fan of the Secret, but I'm not as big a critic of it as Mr.Sloane.  I think that our thoughts are very significant, but he is also right when he says that thoughts alone are not enough.  Thoughts must be backed by action.  On that point, he is exactly right.  But all things start with a thought.  On that point, The Secret is right.  Anybody who follows this blog should know better than to judge me too quickly.  I don't swallow the Kool Aid that easily.

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