Thursday, March 3, 2011

Posting has been light

But I've been busy.  This business about hydrolyzing methanol may be a dead end, but I haven't given up on it yet.  There was this one thing last night.  I may have to buy the pdf file to learn about it, though.  It costs over 30 dollars.  Do I want to spend it?  Not now.  Only if I need to in order to move this along.

The thing is about making the hydrolyzer apparatus.  That's because the one that I was looking at before is almost 9 years old and the people who put it together didn't update the info, and the only way to get more info on it is to send an inquiry to a mailing address.  This could mean forever to get an answer.  And the answer may not be worth spending time on because it is too old.

So, switching gears, there was this webpage here.  It is a bit of a mystery as to how it got on this computer.  I sent an email asking about it, after getting to a point that it interested me.  By the way, Phoenix never did answer my email.  It could mean that they have no real product to ship, otherwise known as vaporware. Hopefully, these guys won't pull a Phoenix on me and go vaporware.

After sending that, I went over to YouTube and starting looking at some videos.  I noticed something that didn't make me very happy.  But it did give me an idea for another video.  But people do not seem to like my videos.  I think they are too bland.  These Xtranormal videos have to be very raw in order to overcome their robotic tendencies.  Anyone who can make these seem lively must have a real writing talent because they are robots and it is obvious that they are robots and robots are boring.

Sarah LaCroix, who is one of the artists ( in her case, a musician)  that I found through TbonePearson, said that all of her stuff is interrelated.  Guess what?  So are mine.  The YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and this blog are supposed to reinforce and support each other.  I think that is called synergy.

But the synergy ain't synergizing yet.  Yeah, that is a made up word.  I have to keep in mind that not all my readers are Americans.  Yes, I do have a contingent of Europeans and Asians who come here from time to time.  They sometimes even outnumber the Americans!  I don't know what that means, but I have a bad feeling about it.   Anyway, an American might get it, but someone who doesn't speak the language may miss some of what I am saying here.  In the case of synergy, and the word synergizing, I just took a noun and made a verb out of it.  But not to worry.  I think it may be self evident what it meant.  If not, do not be shy about asking.

 What's next?  I have no specific plans for today.  And the weekend is almost here already.  Where did the week go?  Time is flying.  I am having a blast with this, I tell you.  But all good things must come to an end.  But I won't beat that dead horse much more.  I'm sure people are getting quite bored with my bellyaching.

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