Friday, December 15, 2023

AGW headache, #119

NOTE: Typing AGW in the search box on the left sidebar should get you a number of posts with "AGW" in the title.

The following tweet features an article by Clarice Feldman. The money quote here is that humans account for only 5% of all CO2 emissions. Volcanoes account for much of the the CO2 emissions.

So, let's recap a few points: 1) Humans don't cause the vast majority of CO2 emissions, only 5%

2) Amongst the human sources, developing countries contribute far more, and the amounts are increasing. Evidently white humans' CO2 emissions count more for some strange reason.

4)Even if humans were to replace all the oxygen with CO2, the nature of gasses prevent much, if not all of a greenhouse effect.

4) It is impossible anyway because of the Laws of Thermodynamics, in particular ENTROPY tends to the maximum. You'd have to stop or slow down ENTROPY in order for temperatures to rise, and the UNIVERSAL LAWS OF GASES would squelch that. That's because ENTROPY is far greater force in the universe than the configuration of the CO2 molecule. Even black holes, which are so powerful that they can prevent light from escaping, cannot stop ENTROPY.

AGW theory is bunk. It is scam.

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