Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Posner and Rather discuss JFK assassination in 1993 CBS Special

Disclosure: I have never watched Posner, nor did I know about Rather being involved with a television special on that subject.

My objection was to Oliver Stone's movie, was made before the 1992 election. The CBS television special came after the election. Stone's film was intended to politicize the historical event for the benefit of Democrats, in my opinion. Consequently, I wrote a letter to the editor of the Houston Chronicle, in which I denounced the film as a fraud. The Chronicle did not print my letter. I recognized it as political, and intended for political consumption. There needed to be an answer to it. Indeed, a television program addressed the issue, but was it seen before or after the election? The answer is before.

Warning: The following video has an explicit nature. If gore sickens you, you may want to skip it.

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