Sunday, December 10, 2023

Biden claims blackmail

12/10/23: Update of 12/7/23 post:

Biden blunders into a "backfire" of his own making. ( New York Times link , paywalled )

It started out as a "compromise", but the GOP actually expected some concessions from Biden, which he refuses. Then he calls it blackmail. What's so extreme about giving up something in order to get something you want? If he wants Ukraine funding, he should be willing to give up something in return.

Will the GOP stick to its guns, or will they do their usual surrender monkey act.

end update

Never underestimate the power of stupid. It amazes me that people listen to this sack of poo.

45% in the Rasmussen poll. Approval of what, exactly?

Democrats are all in lockstep with each other. It's just like the commies did in Stalinist Russia. They look at the GOP debate, and they cannot fathom all the disagreement going there. Memo to Democrats: this is what debates are for. If everybody agreed, it wouldn't be a debate---duh. As for the border situation, Democrat mayors are complaining about the migrant surge. You might well find Democrats blaming Trump for that. Huh? Trump's been gone for 3 years now. There wasn't anything like this migrant surge when Trump was in. It would be better still if the wall was built. Democrats opposed the wall--still do.

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