Thursday, December 14, 2023

Election fraud is a thing

12/14/23: Update to yesterday's post

With the possibility of a move to censor the Internet, news like this might be hard to find, or even impossible. Therefore, the urgency of this must increase. The word must get out while there is still time.

The House approved a formal impeachment inquiry, and it looks like the corrupt Biden Administration has a motive to censor the Internet so that adverse news cannot get out.

The following post adds to the story of voting fraud and censorship. It all fits together.

the original post of 12/13/23 follows:

It isn't about election denialism, it is about fraud denialism.

Let 'em deny this story. It has gotten so bad that they don't feel the need to hide it. The arrogance is in your face now.

Daily update (1) @ noon

The proof keeps rolling in. Votes were counted that shouldn't have been. "Election denialism" is an attempt to cover up the steal.

end daily update (1)

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