Thursday, September 23, 2021

Aussie News--- Sky News Helos on No Fly List

Aussie news: Sky News helos on 'no-fly list'

Gee, that must be a gruesome outfit there to get on a no-fly list. What are they doing that is so bad??? Showing something that the regime doesn't want the people to see?

A few questions: 1) Isn't Australia considered to be a "free country"? Is it part of the "free world" anymore? Does the "free-world" moniker even mean anything now? 2) Aren't "no fly lists" meant for terrorist supporting countries, like Saddam Hussein's Iraq? 3) Why isn't the Biden Regime condemning these restrictions upon Human Rights? 4) It seems like former President Jimmy Carter was big on Human Rights. Where's "Jimmah" on this one?

Readers here may have noticed my use of the word "commie" these days. Would it be of interest to you if you knew that the Prime Minister of Australia is on the so-called "right"? It did to me. Which means that there isn't a dime's worth of difference between the terms "right" and "left". Ronald Reagan thought the same and so do I. ( for a long time now )

The words you use are important. Words are symbols, like the World Trade Center in New York in 2001, and the Pentagon, White House, a flag, and so forth. If you use words, at least understand their meaning. A pandemic is a word that can be used to frighten people. Why use that word, as well as other words, unless there was an intention behind it?

I use the words I use not for a shock effect, but as a stimulus to get people to think. One thing that is missing these days is any thought for where this is all going.

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