Thursday, September 23, 2021

Police riot down under


There have been several days of unrest in Australia recently. The people there are protesting, but the regime doesn't seem to like it. The narrator says the lockdowns were severe. Evidently, people there are protesting things like that. Things like that now include the so-called "vaccine". If you don't want the vaccine, they send in the MRAPS.

A bit of news ( at least to me) today. In the comment section on CTH ( but not in the post in which I found this), was something about the Johnson and Johnson Covid jab. Someone said that it was made with "recombitant DNA". Well, that is a bit different from the others. So, I researched that a bit, and found that the side effects include clotting.

It should be noted that these "vaccines" were rushed into existence. Normally they take much longer to develop. There is not enough information about the safety and effectiveness of these jabs. If it turns out that they cause more harm than good, then what??? Saying you're sorry, but that "we meant well" isn't going to cut it.

On the other hand, there are a number of anti-virals which could be re-purposed to fight it. Why not allow the alternatives, as opposed to causing all this mayhem? Part of it is to establish control. These people are more into control than anything else. It is a device to divide society against itself. Divide and conquer is the strategy.

What do the protesters want? Well, if it happens here, it should be about freedom. You should be able to decide for yourself how you respond to this situation. But these tyrants want to force people into their mold no matter what it takes. The result is a situation like this one.

In the old days, the USA used to condemn these types of police-state tactics used in Iron Curtain countries. These days, the Corn Pop regime wants to emulate the bad old Soviet Union. The Prava media flunkies and their cohorts just fall into line. They won't condemn it, on the contrary, they'll support it. There's something very wrong there. Hopefully enough folks start to recognize that and be willing to do something to discourage this kind of behavior here. These protestors aren't "mostly peaceful". They were totally peaceful. The narrator says all this was unprovoked.


Unique perspective. It is one in which nobody, including yours truly, even considered.

After all, just writing stuff like this doesn't do much. Protesting doesn't do much, unless...

... it is done in the most effective way possible. Ask whatever you can for a way to do the most effective thing. It is an idea worth considering and maybe doing... maybe

You, In Fact, Have ALL The Power. Use It

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