Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Cognitive dissonance should be a plus not a minus


Recently there was something on the webs which said that it was a mistake to continue to use logic and reason on someone who is in cognitive dissonance. Maybe so, but shouldn't this be considered a plus and not a minus? For to have cognitive dissonance, one's deeply held opinions have been challenged, and perhaps that is an opportunity to take a closer look at those opinions. However, one's ego gets in the way of this. That's why it is a minus. For someone who thinks differently about one's mistakes, it can be a positive thing. That is because a correction could very well be needed.

Nobody is perfect, even though some folks may try to argue with that. The recognition of imperfection, and its universal existence amongst the two legged primate species, should allow one to at least entertain the notion that one is wrong about something. You cannot always be right. There's going to be times when a course correction is needed. When cognitive dissonance appears, it is time to take a closer look at why you believe what you do. It may be hard to do this, but the alternative is not so good. The only way to stop digging deeper into the hole you're in is to stop digging. You know what I mean, Vern?

There are those out there, and I may well be one of them, who have a very strong idea about what is right and good, and the opposite. When something happens that challenges that view, there have been times when the old cognitive dissonance appeared to be at hand for yours truly. In those times, I went back and took a good hard look at what I was doing and thinking. It has led to the firmly held belief that I am definitely not right all the time. Might I suggest that to anyone reading this now, and to suggest also the same approach?

You may not be able to reach someone with logic, reason and evidence. But it shouldn't mean that you give up on it. Maybe in those times when you are dealing with someone who you suspect is in that mode, that a change in approach may be necessary. After all, if you keep pushing somebody's button, something may go off. It might not be pretty.

Another thing I found helpful is when things get a little hot and bothered, a time out can be called. You know, like in football, a hand signal in the form of a "t", which means to stop and wait a bit. A cooling off period, if you will. It might help. Or it might just be a period before the next round in a big fight. At least somebody might get out of the situation without getting killed. I like being on this side of the dirt as opposed to the other side.

Anyways, I am not saying that I am in cognitive dissonance. Or not so much. It seems that a lot of those in this business of punditry don't spend enough time DOING constructive things, as opposed to complaining incessantly about every little thing under the sun. Just saying, it needs to stay constructive. That is all.

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