Saturday, November 2, 2019

If it breaks, so what?


A comparison to our modern troubles is made to a tug of war with a frayed rope.  The rope will break and the people will take a fall.  Some folks might get hurt.

This is to be avoided, we are told.  But there's another way to look at it.  Of all the wars in the past, did any of them result in a permanent calamity?  No.  Civilizations seem to die when at peace.  Take the Roman Empire, for example.  When the Republic fell, there were fewer civil wars.  But the Empire died anyway.

The same is true throughout history.  It is like a disease of the old-timers.  Civilizations are like organic creatures, they get old and die.  Even the barbaric ones, like when they conquered the Romans, eventually rose to prominence and are failing now.  Western Civilization is old and tired, and the great fear is of an internal war.

But why fear the war?  Perhaps the war will allow civilization to renew itself.  Talking doesn't solve anything.  Fighting might not either, but the rot seems to happen anyway.  Why not fight this rot?  It might actually do some good.

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