Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Don Surber: Why is Buttigieg a Democrat then?

Don Surber: Why is Buttigieg a Democrat then?: Mike Pence was governor of Indiana in 2015 when Democrat Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend came out of the closet as gay amid a controversy...


I suppose this is a bit off my intended target a bit, but what a name!  You might say he is a Butt of jokes.  Bwah, hah, hah!

It is even more hilarious that this guy is homosexual.  He's a Butt-boy alright.

Okay, back off the levity a bit. 

Why is conservatism failing right now?  Or is it?  I think it is.  If you click through the link, you arrive at the point of asking since Butt-boy thought the law was wrong, then why is he a Democrat?  It was the Democrats who passed the law, says Surber ( Religious Freedom Restoration Act. )   That is pure logic and rationality for an argument.  The Democrats are no longer in that mode, if they ever were.  Therefore, how does it reach Butt-boy?  It won't.  It is preaching to the choir.  Words, logic, and reason no longer reach these people.  Something else is required.

I was just thinking of how white people get pushed around this morning.  An example is a video that I got off the TV show called Ray Donovan.  It was about "Twerking".  (I won't link to the video.)  The reason is that is full of obscenity.  My point is that we have Katie Couric types saying that Trump had "done" things, but she doesn't seem to see the irony of that argument when you consider this video.  In that video, the woman uses all kinds of language that would supposedly make Katie turn five shades of crimson.  That kind of language is off-limits to Katie and her friends, but why isn't it off-limits to the black chick?   That chick is using every bad word you can think of.  So, why is that okay?

Then, you take that, and the usual complaint about double standards.  Hey, you cannot get mad if you are white.  You cannot criticize the degradation of society unless you want to be called racist, bigot, or homophobe.  Yet, we have so many on the so-called conservative side who are all-too-willing to join up with the left in this continued degradation.  So, they play along and accept all their premises.  Where does this lead us?  Surber uses the word "gay" in reference to homosexuals.  That is accepting their premise while ostensibly arguing against it.

So, Mike Pence "turned the other cheek" when Butt-boy got feisty.  Wrong answer!  It seems that too many of the so-called conservatives are letting the Butt-boys preempt them, and talk them into accepting all of their premises.  Hey, if you are a Christian, you have to take a whoop ass without saying a word.  You gotta turn that cheek.  Let's make a virtue out of cowardice.

So, Butt-boy is now defining what is a Christian.  The conservatives are mute, turning the other cheek, like Pence.  Sorry, that doesn't get the job done.  Arguing with logic and reason, like Surber did isn't enough, either.

The thing that really bothers the Katie Couric types is that they are being shown up for the cowards that they are.   But that is Katie Couric.   Mike Pence is in a more responsible position.  I'm disappointed.  Pence is Trump's number two man.  He needs to act more like the boss.

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