Thursday, April 11, 2019

Doing a bit of study

There hasn't been much posting lately, and perhaps an explanation could be helpful.

You cannot get an education in a few days.  It is a very time-consuming process.  As for my own formal education, it stopped at the four year degree level.  I didn't go on with it.  It wasn't any interest of mine to become a scholar.  My mind is of a practical nature.  I am more interested in how things work than in discussing theoretical things.

Let's just say I know I am no scholar, nor do I wish to be.  However, I am definitely interested in following the general outlines of many topics, and I can definitely spend a great deal of time on these.  For me, this study may also be considered practical.  If it is useful, I'm interested.  Otherwise, maybe not so much.

Right now, I am attempting to fill in a few gaps in my knowledge.  The course of study is rather general, so it doesn't go in depth as much as a scholar would like.

As always, it is a goal to be grounded in truth, as opposed to speculation.  Certainly as opposed to ignorance.  There are those who I have argued with who have called me ignorant.  These people were probably engaged in political polemics, so I don't take it seriously.  But I do want to know what I am talking about.

In the end, I hope it will improve my writing.  Otherwise, why do it?

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