Thursday, April 7, 2016

Changed the header

With all the garbage going down lately, I went deep into the blog for something that expresses the theme as well as anything else.

I understand Mark Twain became very pessimistic at the end of his life.  Yeah, I can see why.  Things have been on a downward trajectory for a long time.

One other thing to say....

You cannot count on churches to pull the country out of its spiritual crisis.  The reason is that they are likely to be corrupted by money.  I think Mark Twain seemed to understand this when he said the farmer preachers were the best.   I think it is because they don't depend so much on money.  They grow their own crops and so they can say what is in their hearts.  If they depended upon money, then they would have to alter what they said in order to please those who hold the purse strings.

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