Monday, January 18, 2016

Political discussion

Just saw on the Dick Morris website that Trump has run into a brick wall with respect to Cruz in terms of bullying.  Hello!  I do not think that Trump is a bully.  He is being bullied, as a matter of fact, and he stands up for himself.  Morris must have an Establishment streak in him.  He repeats a lot of the conventional wisdom that is not wisdom in my view.

If Trump is perceived in the way Morris perceives him, then the likelihood is that Cruz will take over the lead.  If Cruz takes over because of bullying of Trump, then it is a mistake.

I am beginning to be a bit suspicious of Cruz.  The claim is that he is a real conservative, but what has he really done?  If you judge according to accomplishments, then the only thing Cruz has done is to make himself known.

Trump has accomplishments in business.  Cruz is a politician.  There is the difference.  I think you may get more of the same if you go with Cruz.  Perhaps that is what is meant by conservative these days, just keep everything the same way as before.  But the same old same old is not working anymore.  Has not been working for a long time.

George Will had something to say about Trump being out of the mainstream of conservative thought.  But what is conservative thought if you cannot get rid of the leftist drift of this society?   What conservatives do is whine about how they lose the country, but fail again and again to do anything about it.

Do people really want to break with the past, or do they want a new direction?  Cruz in a sense is really no different from Obama.  Obama was really no different than Bush, in many ways.  The differences are not big enough to make a difference.   We may need a difference maker.  Trump may be that kind of guy.

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