Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Hillary Emails: "Should I Stay or Should I Go?"

If I had the time, I do a mash up of the song by the Clash and Hillary.  Here's the best I can do for now, a pic and a link to the song:

Should I Stay, or Should I Go?
Really don't know how she sticks around.  Any other public figure with this much dirt on her would have been gone a long time ago.

Is Obama pushing her out so that Biden can jump in?  Now, there's a thought.  But that looks bad for Obama to have his high ranking cabinet member be in so much trouble.

Does that make Sanders a shoe-in?  What does a Sanders candidacy mean for the Dems in November?  They need a White Knight, and it isn't Sanders, nor is it Biden.  Somebody who's been out of it for awhile.  I know!  Algore.

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