Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Obligatory: 7/7/15

Confusion seems to be the order of the day.  Looking all around the usual places I go on the web, what strikes me is all of the confusion.

Who are you to believe in the midst of all of the cacophony?

With that in mind, I will give something of a confusing response.  It will be disparate thoughts only, sorry.

  • I've been a bit neglectful in my health habits.  I allowed my thyroid medication to lapse, which means I failed to take medication for the last week or so.  This may explain some of my grogginess yesterday.  It's been fixed for now, but I have to take a blood test within a week so the doctor can monitor the situation.  The blood test was put off when I went out West a few months ago.
  • What are the most important things?  That question just popped up as I am writing.  Health could definitely be one.  Once you lose that, you have nothing really.  You can be the richest man on Earth, but if your health is lost, then it doesn't matter now, does it?  Aside from health?  Something popped up in my thoughts just now.  I remember what my physics teacher said way back in high school:  "Don't ever lose your integrity, you may never get it back."  I took that to heart, obviously.  Why would I remember it if I didn't?  By the way, truth and integrity go together.  It is impossible to see how they can be separated.  Peace is important too.  So, why is it so hard to find?  A question to ponder some other time.
  • As for me, I'm just trying to stay in my saddle.  One of those things that can get you into trouble is if you start having financial problems.  It seems that I have spent an awful lot of money in this past year and my finances are started to get a bit strained.  That's a big flashing red light.  When you don't pay attention to a red light, you just may crash.  It is a warning.
Funny, I'm all emptied now.  Nothing more to write for now.  For someone who wanted to be a writer, I sure don't have much to say.

Whatever.  Time to get ready for work.  Have to make some money to pay those bills.

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