Wednesday, July 8, 2015

About being angry

Listen carefully to what the media says sometimes and you may get a clue at what worries them.  They will mention "angry" white men from time to time.

Well, if you are a white man, you should be angry.  Look at what they are doing to you.

Every time they call you "racist", they are marginalizing you.  They are dehumanizing you.  If you are a white man, you should be angry every time the modern culture uses that word.  This word has replaced the word "nigger".  How do I know this?  I heard Julian Bond say so on a PBS broadcast.

If you won't be angry, you may be said to be wise.  But if can't be angry, you are also a fool.

White men have a right to be angry, and should be.  Don't let the left put you on the defensive for being angry.  If a black man has a right to be angry for being called a "nigger", then so does the white man for being called a "racist".  As Julian Bond said, it is the same thing.

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