Monday, July 27, 2015

Obligatory, 7/27/15

A few ramblings from an old man:

  • Hillary wants a lot of solar panels installed.  Supposedly, this will help fight global warming.  It's a dumb idea.  But the whole idea of man made global warming is also dumb.
  • Somebody must be joking at Free Republic.  A commenter said if you want to know Trump's positions, read his book.  Which book?  There are several that he supposedly wrote.  Which of these actually proposes anything at all?  Trump could be cotton candy.  But this is a cotton candy society, so he might fit in perfectly.
  • There are tons are possible solutions for problems written about in this blog.  If any candidate for president would just implement a few of them, we would all be a lot better off.  But that's not how the real world works.  The real world gets people who do the exact wrong thing rather than the right thing.
  • Still, I prefer an "egotistical" Trump over the bought and paid for politicians who are selling out the country.  He may not actually solve anything, though.  I'm hoping that he would for no other reason than he might get bored if he doesn't.

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