Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Couple of items I found on Trump

One of them is that he doesn't believe in man-made global warming.  That's good.

Two is that he has someone in his entourage that has given him a major PR black eye.  That's not good.

The best selling point for Trump is competence and the guy ( Cohen ) doesn't look competent.

Cohen also said something that lends support that Trump may not be a "nice" man.  I'm not so interested in the "nice" part, but whether or not what he says is true.  Cohen flubbed this one, so the other just looks that much worse.  In other words, did Trump get ahead by being an asshole, or by being the best at what he does?  The answer to that question is what is important.

Final point here is this:  where was all this vetting with respect to Obama?  I never seen such a cover up of a candidate's weak points than with that guy.  We're six year into this guy, and they are still doing it.  That's why one may get desperate and nominate a guy like Trump.  The others just aren't tough enough to go against that machine.

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