Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

Once again, the man made global warmists fail, because they are making extraordinary claims, yet they cannot come up with extraordinary evidence in support of their claims.

It is an extraordinary claim to say that man made global warming can take place in spite of the fact that the gas laws show that it cannot come from the creation of carbon dioxide gas alone.  In fact, the warmists don't seem to be making that claim, but make the claim that it is the property of carbon dioxide itself that makes it a threat.

But that too is extraordinary because so little of it is being produced.  Sure, lots of carbon dioxide is being produced when it is in comparison with human scales, but on a global scale such as the case would be for the entire planetary system, the amount being produced by humans is insignificant to the extreme.  Doubling the carbon dioxide concentration seems significant, but really isn't once you consider that the measurements are in parts per million.  Hence, the claim that such a small amount of carbon dioxide in comparison to what already exists, and in comparison with the rest of the atmosphere, is an extraordinary claim.

Where's the evidence to support this claim?  The claims they make are in dispute.  They are far from extraordinary, they are in dispute.  Even here, the dispute has to be ginned up in order to be a dispute at all.  Numbers have to be adjusted in order to provide the warmists with any evidence at all, much less extraordinary evidence that is required for their extraordinary claims.

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