Friday, December 26, 2014

Two articles that confirm the correctness of what I'm doing

Although that is not the intention of the articles.  I'm sure that neither author has any knowledge whatsoever of yours truly, and may not even agree with my response to it.

I'm referring to my decision to move out west and live off the land.  The philosophy behind the decision has been written about in my off-the-grid series.

It boils down to a number of basic themes, which are alluded to in the articles thus mentioned above.

Number one was off Wayne Hale's blog.  A sophomore intern that they employed as an editor for their written papers did not know what the cold war was.  This kind of ignorance is frightening.  Not to know something so fundamental as this, and from a supposedly educated person seem unfathomable.  How could this be that an educated person would not know this?  Wayne Hale thought it was a "good thing" not to know this, but I think that it is a very, very bad thing.  I suppose not everybody has the same reactions as I do, but this nonchalance of Hale's bothers me too.  The thing here is the inattention to who we are and why we do what we do, and also just basic knowledge of history.  If you don't know your history, you are doomed to repeat it.  Why would you want to repeat the "cold war"?  This ignorance reflects a basic dysfunction and I don't think that our system can survive much more of this.

The second article comes from the Kurweil blog.  The article was the "end of work", which discusses what I've discussed here on this blog.  The automation of most jobs is going to reduce a substantial proportion of the society to a permanent dependence upon government largesse.  This is extremely bad, as that kind of power should never, ever be granted to politicians.  It is a dire threat to our freedom, and it is another development that spells doom for our freedoms if it isn't reversed.  I'm not too optimistic about the prospects for this kind of turnaround, which is another development that worries me.

In sum, people don't seem to know who we are, where we have been, and where we are going.  This cannot be a good thing.  Certainly, polls indicate that we are on the wrong track.  But does anyone really know why? It is impossible for me to see how this can be a good thing.  Before that happens to me, I want to get into the position to where I can take care of myself.  I suspect that not one person in a million even gets what I'm doing and why, despite the fact that I've written about it extensively.  There you have it.  People have been reduced to being deaf, dumb, and blind.  What's worse, they don't seem to understand why it is a bad thing.

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