Sunday, December 21, 2014

Now, for an entire AR-15 build

A series of three videos shows how to take all the loose pieces and complete an entire weapon that can be fired.

It starts with the lower receiver.  There has been several of these videos posted already, so this step should be getting familiar:

Now, the discussion moves forward to the upper receiver.

The final video shows how to put the upper and lower together for a completed firearm.

One can wonder why go through all this trouble if the only goal is to make a weapon for your own use.  After all, the tools required and the time taken to master the skills could all be saved if you just bought the rifle through the normal channels.

On the other hand, if you were to go into the business of making these weapons, you would have to get a license from the ATF.  This process enables the gun to be traced and that trace includes the manufacturer.  This puts the manufacturer at risk of a lawsuit from overzealous gun control activists.  This explains the techniques being employed to discourage gun ownership.  It also explains why some people are trying to fight this the way that they are.

This is something that I hadn't thought about much, and most likely, most other people haven't either.  One more reason to be suspicious of the left.  As if I needed any more reasons.

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