Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Getting people to change their ways is almost futile

Change can only come slowly, if at all.  People will always be people.  You can't do a whole lot about human nature.

Wringing your hands over the imperfect nature of human beings is as about the biggest waste of time going.

Yet, the effort should be made.  Not to do it is like giving in to evil.

That leaves you with a dilemma:  knowing full well the futility of it, you must do something.   But what?

Raise hell?  Start a rebellion against authority?  Break the law?

Or the softer ways, like reason and persuasion?  These too shall mostly be in vain.

People are what they are.

My way is to use reason and persuasion.  I note that it rarely does any good.  If I had tried violence, I would be in jail or dead.  Not much help there.

Maybe reason and persuasion are the coward's way out.

I'll look at it this way.  If I have to fight, I'll fight.  If I can avoid it, I won't.  Think of that however you will, but that is my way.

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