Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Civil rights violation for Darren Wilson?

This is a speculation here, so speculation alert.

In my reading of the story so far, the only thing you could possible get the officer for is for that final shot that killed Brown.  The whole issue revolves around that.  For, if Brown was trying to surrender, it was an excessive use of force to shoot him.  That involves a civil rights issue on the use of force.

The locals could have tried him for that, but refused.  Perhaps the Obama Administration would like a go at it?

If the Administration doesn't prosecute, then that means that there's no case at all.  But they may not prosecute even if there were to be a legitimate issue here.  Why not?  For if they don't prosecute, they may want the issue, not because they want to do justice.  They would want it in order to agitate the mob because they want angry, bitter people.  Such people can be useful to unscrupulous politicians.

So far, it looks like the way these politicians act.  Instead of solving racial issues, they want to aggravate them.  Then they can use that in order to agitate for change.

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