Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Oh please. Would you just stop it already?

As I've often stated, this blog is about solutions, if it is about anything.  That may be boring though.  After all, why write if you can't attract an audience?  Why write at all?  It brings me back to why I started the blog at all.  But to tell that deeply may require a bit of self-disclosure that I don't feel comfortable about.

That allows me to segue into a bit of self-disclosure that doesn't go too far.  I tend to worry more than I should.  One of the ways that I learned to deal with that is by reading a self-help book.  In the case for the dealing with the habit of worry, I read Dale Carnegie's book How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.  Not only did I read this book, but I became so fanatic about it that I recorded it on tape to listen to while I drive my truck during the day.  Or, I was listening to it way back then.  That was nearly 30 years ago, by the way.

One of the techniques went something like this:  try to imagine the worst thing that can possibly happen.  Then begin to work on trying to improve upon that situation.  If the thing that's worrying you seems a bit overwhelming, the mere fact of getting yourself to start doing constructive things to help improve the situation will be helpful in alleviating worry.  Sorry, I don't have any examples to relate.  Just to say that it is a part of my habits now.  Any time I see a problem, I just look for ways to improve upon the situation.  Things don't build up to a point where I am a nervous wreck over a problem.  I don't think I worry nearly as much as I used to.

That book was one of many that I read 30 years ago after a particularly painful period in my life.  Oh, that's a little too personal.  Okay, I'll go ahead anyway.  Why worry about that?  yuk, yuk  Yes, a sense of humor can help too.

I was really depressed about my failures in life.  Seems like I've always cared about being a "success" in life.  But what's success anyway?  You have to define it.  Being rich is one way, and I would have liked that.  Obviously, I never achieved that.  Ironically, one reason is that I've stopped worrying about not being rich.  I learned to stop worrying about being rich!  What a joke.  I'm so good a not worrying about getting rich that I won't ever get rich.

Yet, in spite of learning not to worry about the lack of success, I began this blog.  I began this blog because I had one of those moments where I thought--- gee, I am better than this.  Why the hell am I driving a truck for a living?  I felt a little bad about myself and began to do something about it.  I started writing a blog that nobody reads.  Hah, hah, hah!  Big help that was.  So, now I worry about not having a big audience.  Will it ever end, this worrying?

Yes, I took down the donate button.  I wanted to make money with the blog, but as usual, my ideas for making money don't seem to work too well.  So, stop worrying about it, and take the button down.  So, it's gone.  Happy now?  No.

Still, I'd like an audience.  Well, I think I've got one.  It's just not very big.  One way to improve upon that situation, and to stop worrying about it, is to try to make a connection with my audience.  If I were to get a bit personal about myself, would that help?  It might, but it might hurt too.  Worrying about bad outcomes may paralyze you into doing something constructive to improve upon whatever it is that is worrying you.  But you have to do something.  Going round and round in circles just won't do.  Another technique for conquering worry is to get busy.  My days are pretty full.  Now I can start worrying about my health because I work too hard! Oh, my.

I am starting to worry a little that this may be sounding a bit like a Woody Allen script.

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