Sunday, May 11, 2014

Efficiency sounds great until its YOUR job being eliminated

There was something in this NRO piece that got my attention.  I've written before on the subject with respect to the invention of self-driving vehicles.  If enough of these vehicles get built, that could be the end of my job as a delivery driver.  So, I wrote something to the effect that it looks a whole lot different when you are on the receiving end of this kind of event.  Sure, you're all for it if it makes your life more convenient, but what about the other guy?

Junk mail is a pain in the neck.  But electronics has all but eliminated the other types of mail that the Post Office used to handle.  If it weren't for junk mail, the Post Office would be in even bigger trouble than what it is already.  Personally, I'd like to keep the Post Office.  I'd like to have a backup system that can deliver mail if the computer networks go down.  If there's an EMP attack, we may be fortunate to have a few things that still work.  If the Post Office still worked in that scenario, we'd still have a way to conduct some types of business and communications.  Don't close down the Post Office.

Here's the quote:
Never mind the benefits of Outbox — happy customers, tons and tons of recycled paper, and, not least, the promise of relieving the USPS of the burden of actually moving many tons of paper across the country, in various petroleum-powered vehicles that so worry our environmentalist friends, only to see it directly deposited into the trash — the titans of junk mail did not want to end up in the physical equivalent of a spam filter.--- Kevin Williamson
Not all "progress" is good.  Try taking a really close look sometimes.

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