Friday, January 31, 2014

Swing Airplane

Something that I have encountered recently has piqued
my curiosity. It is called the Swing. It is an airplane,
and it appears to be powered by a new energy device.

At first, I wasn't interested in how it worked, but whether
or not it actually worked at all. After reading a
bit more about it last night, I learned what is supposed
to be making it work. In despair, I concluded
that nobody is going to believe it.

So, I wondered if I should make a post about something
that is likely to be greeted with skepticism and may
even be rejected despite the fact that it may work.

What do you do about people who refuse to believe the
evidence of their own eyes?

Well, it isn't to that point yet. He hasn't demonstrated that
his plane will even fly. But if it does, will people accept
the truth of it? To me, that would be a very curious scenario
if people saw this thing fly, and then refused to believe
that it is for real.

All I would care about is if it works or not. If nobody
knows why it works, who should care about that? Cavemen
used fire for a million years BC and didn't know what
made fire work. What difference does it make as long
as it works?

A few pictures of the plane from PESN website.  He
has a fund raiser going, but it isn't drawing much interest.

He need $1500 to go visit the inventor of the plane and to
check it out.  He will report on it, no doubt.  So far, he
has raised about a fourth of it.

Think of it.  This could be the invention to beat all inventions,
yet few people are interested.  Aren't any of you people the
least bit curious?

An electric generator.  A new type of energy if it works.

I think the generator is in the nose.  As for the motor that drives the propeller, It is behind the cockpit.

The propeller and electric motor that drives it.  The generator pictured above sends the electricity to the motor that turns the propeller.  Pretty standard stuff except that it uses no fuel to make the electricity.

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