Monday, January 27, 2014

The most dangerous years of the Obama presidency are upon us

Legal Insurrection via Behind the Black blog

"An internal White House assessment concludes that President Obama must distance himself from a recalcitrant Congress after being badly damaged last year by legislative failures, a government shutdown and his own missteps…."--- Washington Post quote
What happened to Obama's soaring rhetoric that claimed that there wasn't a Red America and a Blue America, but only the United States of America?  He said something like that once.  What happened to that?

Well, we are getting a Schumer led crushing of the Tea Party, and a President who doesn't seem to mean what he says nor say what he means.  If he can't beat 'em, he won't join 'em, nor work with 'em, but crush 'em and go around 'em.

So much for the soaring rhetoric.

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