Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Brevity is the soul of wit."

Rush Limbaugh liked to say that.  The source of the quote?  Comes from Hamlet, or so I gather.  In looking over the State of the Union speech last night, I've come to the conclusion that the speech was too long, and too political.  It didn't have the zing to it that it might have had.

If Obama really wants to turn things around, he needs to get to the point.  The point is that there aren't enough jobs being created.  There are fewer people working today than when he took office.  Pointing to a lower unemployment rate simply doesn't have the force behind it that it would if the economy was truly creating jobs at a fast rate.

He also seemed to be taking the position that it is somebody else's fault again, and not his.  He does this by larding the speech with a surfeit of words.  The excess of words do not fool anybody who is paying attention.

We need less politics and more constructive behavior from this President and his party.  This speech looked to me like a justification for a self-righteous attitude that surfaces in the statements from Podesta and Schumer.  Political opposition is going to come when politicians play politics---Duh.  He can't claim the halo of innocence when he starts behaving politically.  This is a very political president and it showed itself from the very start of this speech.  Frankly, I got tired of it and stopped reading halfway through.  I don't want to read how wonderful he thinks he is and how awful everybody else is for opposing him and his goody-good-goodness.  After 5 years of this, it isn't too much to ask for results.  We are not getting that.

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