Saturday, January 25, 2014

Revisiting some old posts for ideas

Amongst the categories of subjects here is a history of the blog.  So, I clicked on that subcategory and found some interesting posts.  Rather than re-post any of them, I thought it better to just discuss them a bit.

First of all, I want to discuss how to improve the blog.  There was a post that ranked the blog in terms of its effectiveness.  I used the results of that test in order to make a slight improvement in the header this morning.  "Solutions" is a keyword to this blog.  I needed to work that into the header and came up with a new header that is slightly revised from the old one.

I didn't do another concept for a keyword, and that is future.  Other keywords should be energy and space.  I didn't do those either.  There is a risk of trying to cover too much ground.  Solutions should be good enough.  ( I hope )

So, for now on, solutions are a keyword for this blog.

Update: Part 4 of a series.  Part 5 here.  Part 3 here.

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