Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Free SEO Report Card: Website Grader Software for SMBs


How does this blog stack up to the competition? Rather poorly according to the above site.

In order to run the test on a site, you have to provide it with the following bits of information
  • a keyword that can be searched in google.  I used "kardashev how to"  Note:  the site on top was Next Big Future
  • So I put that web site in as a comparison
Then you run the test and this is what came out-- an "F".

When I put in "Karshevian", google returns "Kardashian", which is not what I'm trying to do.

Since "Kardashevian" is a unique word, which I think I coined myself, I should be on the top of the list.  But that is not available to me.

As I have noticed before, Being Right is Not Enough.  Although this may be a unique blog, which is putting out some good stuff, this report shows that it is not being noticed.  But being noticed does not confer upon anyone anything special or significant aside from that fact itself.  Getting noticed does not make you right, nor smarter, nor better, nor any more truthful, nor deserving.  But it is a fact of life.

I could use this service to improve my metrics, but I don't know if I will.  It hasn't really told me anything I didn't know already.  But I may consider it.  There may be something I can do without having to sell out in order to get noticed.

One thing that I noticed with my YouTube page.  People seem to go to what's popular.  This seems to get a life of its own once it starts happening.  There's plenty of other videos on my channel, but that top video seems to get all of the attention, even though I don't think that really makes it any better than the rest.  But how else are you going to know except by what the numbers say?  It makes sense, in a way, but seems rather shallow in another way.

By the way, I got the idea for that popular video from Next Big Future!  Doh!


This is off topic, but I'll put it up anyway.  I like this so much, I'm going to put up a link to it:  My favorite elevator music.

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