Thursday, October 24, 2013

Politics makes no sense

It looks like ObamaCare may be delayed after all.


We were told that the shut down hurt the GOP.  But wasn't it all about ObamaCare?  The GOP got blamed for the shut down, even though they voted to fund every thing other than ObamaCare.  So, it just doesn't make sense to blame the GOP for any of this.  Not for the shut down, because they voted for funding the government.  Not for being opposed to ObamaCare, which even Democrats are shifting positions on.

It makes no sense.  Evidently, the signal goes out, and then everybody repeats it as if in a trance.  It is the GOP's fault!  It is the GOP's fault!  Does anybody out there bother to look and see for themselves?

Who decides these things?  Who sends out the signal to tell us all what we should think about a certain event?  Is it the media?  Do they really have that much power over us?

If it all made sense, the signal would go out that this recent shut down mess was all the Democrat's fault for trying to defend ObamaCare, which they no longer feel needs quite so vigorous a defense.  In other words, it's all the Democrat's fault.

Or, there would be no signal, and all would know whose fault it really was, and acted accordingly.

No, the signal will remain the same as before.  It is the GOP's fault for being opposed for what the Democrats are also opposed to, evidently.  Certain Democrats fear that they will lose an election for supporting something they opposed just a little over a week ago.

Beam me up Scotty!  No intelligent life here!

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