Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Just thought of something

With respect to the ObamaCare rollout, maybe it isn't working because they can't pay for it yet.  If someone at the poverty level were to enroll, the government would be obligated to pay the premiums for the coverage that they are going to have to subsidize.

Sure, ObamaCare enforcement funding was made available, but not the massive subsidies that will have to be paid out.

For a family of four at the poverty level, to insure all of them would cost PLENTY big bucks, kemosabe.  Where will they get this money?  The GOP isn't gonna give it to them.  That's not what the shut down was about.  The shut down was about enforcement of the mandate.

So, Obama is holding back the funding issue for later.  Probably around election time in order to get his troops fired up.  Having to pay a fine for not signing up is just gonna get a lot of people pissed off.  Who will they blame?  Obama is making them pay the fines.  But the GOP is denying the funds for the subsidies.

What a clusterf*)k.

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