Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Obama Disassociates from Reality

Commentary Magazine

Is he out of touch with reality, or is he just lying?

Maybe you can call him "Bagdad Bob" or Joe Isuzu.

You can't sign up for Obamacare.  Plain and simple, it doesn't work.  You can quote a zillion statistics, but the fact remains, it doesn't work.  He knows it, but don't let the truth get in the way of a story.

How do you explain the apparent success of this?  Perhaps people believe what's on TV.  People believe what an authority figure says.  Obama could lie his butt off, but some people are going to believe it anyway.

Look, the very people who should be Obama's biggest supporters can't use the service that is tailor made for them.  Why should Obama be popular with these people right now?  It doesn't make sense unless people are believing these lies.  Republicans fault?  How?  If anybody believes it is anybody's fault but the people running it, they are falling for the lies.  Evidently a lot are, because Obama should have no credibility on this issue at all.

It may not be Obama who is out of touch with reality.  He sees the "tanks" the same way Bagdad Bob did.  What he is counting on is for people to believe everything he says.  As long as he continues fibbing, it must be working for him.  The tanks are really there, and there aren't "more seats than the Astrodome" in that "car" he's selling.

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