Thursday, October 24, 2013

One more time...

Hey, I'm not just blowing hot air here.  The site doesn't work.  The proof?  Well, I just tried to log in and got this response:

Well, some of the site still works.  I decided to check out some numbers in order to get a possible understanding for why certain people may be thinking that this is a good deal.  For someone at a poverty level income of 100%, here is what the site says you could expect in terms of premiums and subsidies.

Wow.  The government will throw in almost 6k subsidy for someone at the poverty level.  But what would the premiums actually be?  This says up to 5868 bucks per year.  Okay, that's for a silver plan.  What about a catastrophic plan only?  I looked one up for myself and got this:

Now, if you were at the poverty level and paid only about 20 bucks a month for coverage that is worth ten times as much, you'd say that was a good deal.

But you can't sign on and enroll.  Why???

It should be obvious.  Even at the catastrophic coverage rates, the government will have to kick in a lot of money to cover people who don't have insurance.  That's a lot of money because there are millions who don't have coverage.  Where would that money come from?

The government doesn't want to say.  They just want to claim that the system doesn't work because they don't want to go on record for spending this kind of money.  The public would recoil at this kind of expenditure.

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