Monday, April 15, 2013

Harsanyi: Why Obama and the left don't care about Gosnell

Human Events


After the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, where a madman massacred all those children in Newtown, Connecticut, the president gave a heartfelt speech that included this line: “If there is even one step we can take to save another child . . . then surely we have an obligation to try.” Wouldn’t one such step be to ban the nihilist practice of murdering children who’ve survived outside the womb?[ emphasis added]

Extremely insincere man is this Obama.  You cannot believe this guy.  But people will.  That's because they don't critically examine everything they hear from the steady propaganda feed they get.

Ah!!!  I nearly forgot.  I wanted to write the following.  I think it is clever and states the point.

The difference between us and the North Koreans is that we pay for our propaganda.

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