Friday, August 31, 2012

Road to Serfdom

I meant to read this before, but am now just getting around to it.

It is a large project. To write about it afterwards would take hours, so I thought I'd put it a small ditty saying what I'm doing right now.

At first glance, I'd say that this is shocking. Evidently, we have been sliding towards this for a long time now, and the apparent successes in forestalling this appear to have been insufficient. It would be interesting to see if there's any way that this can be stopped. It looks discouraging, to say the least.


Now, I'm reading THE LAW by Frederic Bastiat. More dreary stuff. For instance, he says that it is our nature to want to live off the labor of others, as opposed to living off our own labor. Immediately, you recognize this to be true. Everybody wants free shit. That's what makes liberalism aka socialism, so seductive. Hence, the slow, creeping, socialism since the New Deal. The author, commenting upon Bastiat notes how the words liberal and conservative have changed significantly in the last fifty years. It like the boil the frog analogy. We really don't understand what's happening to us.


I found this video called Hayek's 'The Road to Serfdom' in Five Minutes. The posters that you are supposed to read go by too fast for me, so I hit the pause button so as to have time to read it. Scary stuff. People do not know the trap that the left is setting for us all.  That will seem extreme, but the video is based upon historical fact.  This is no theoretical possibility. It will happen if it isn't stopped.

Here's a review of THE LAW:


One last thing before I end this post.  Bastiat classified the possibilities of plunder of the law as follows:
  1. the few plunder the many
  2. everybody plunders everybody else
  3. nobody plunders nobody

Of these three, the ideal ought to be the third.

What the Democrats will say is that the Republicans want the few ( the 1%, to plunder the many the 99%).  Let's presume that this is true.  So, does everybody plundering everybody else a good solution?!?  It should be obvious that the plunder of by the few by of the many is the problem.  But their solution is to plunder everybody all the time.  The Democrats will deny this of course.  They will deny that it is plunder to take from one and giving it to another.  But one way to tell if it is plunder or not is to note that no private individual could legally compel you to give your stuff to somebody else.

Therefore, it is legal plunder and is illegal and unjust and should be abolished just as slavery was because that is what it is.

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