Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Movement to conceal the truth

  1. Don't let the UN steal the Internet--- Many politicians just don't like the internet.  Too much truth.  Time to shut it up.
  2. Robert Reich: How Romney Gets Away With So Many Lies--- Typical left-wing projection.  See #4.
  3. MSNBC protects their meme any way it can--- They'll cover your eyes and ears so you can't see what they don't want you see.
  4. Obama calls for full disclosure, almost--- If the media was truly unbiased, how does Obama get away with demanding disclosure from Romney when he won't do it himself?
  5. New York Times Editor: Ann Romney 'Slipped The Knife' Into President Obama--- Why such graphic language unless it is a partisan accusation?  This from the alleged "newspaper of record".
  6. Isaac Shows Media Bias Of Hurricane Proportions--- Why not?  Katrina worked so well for them.
  7. CNN Fact Check: Energy proposals [Laughable analysis claims Obama not trying to kill oil]--- Somebody needs to "factcheck" CNN!!!
Just to reiterate my opinion of the media--- They are worthless.  Better to not listen to them.  They are getting something for their biased reporting--- access to power is the most likely thing.

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