Friday, August 31, 2012

Paul Ryan Spoke the Truth About Obamacare

Paul Ryan Spoke the Truth About Obamacare

  • Here are the facts:

    (1) Obamacare cost about $1 trillion dollars over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Democrats raised roughly half of that money through new taxes, and the other half was “raised” from cuts in Medicare.
  • (2) that comes from Social Security actually belongs to the Social Security Trust Fund...The exact same is true of Medicare; the catch is that the rules of CBO budgeting allowed the Democrats to count it as an offset...So, Obamacare looked deficit neutral on paper, when in fact half of it was paid for with borrowed money.
  • (3) The $500 billion in cuts to Medicare do not amount to cuts in benefits to patients, at least nominally.  However, government accountants believe that is what effectively will happen....seniors will have the same benefits on paper – but, much like those in the Medicaid program, they will find it difficult to find a doctor or hospital willing to provide the service.
  • (4) The original version of the Ryan budget retained these cuts. However, there was an important difference: the money was not funneled out to sponsor a new entitlement. Instead, it was credited back to the Medicare Trust Fund, thus strengthening our long term deficit situation. 
  • (5) The Romney-Ryan plan restores all of the lost funding to Medicare.
  • THEREFORE  His criticism of Obamacare is perfectly legitimate
But racist, I suppose. /snark

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